Alumni Staff 2020-2021

John E. "Ted" Ross

Graduation Year: 1970
Subjects Taught: English 10 College Prep, Mythology
BHS Position: I am retired from West High School and now teach as a long-term supply teacher at BHS.
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student:Chorus, Drama, Band, and Orchestra
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Ms. Miriam Williams - My English 11 and 12 teacher who has always been the inspiration for my teaching style, content, and focus over the past 45 years.
Best memory from BHS: Performing in leading roles in musicals and operettas directed by Edward Francis.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 2
Total number of years teaching: 45
Extra Info: I consider BHS as the cornerstone for my appreciation of the arts and education. I feel blessed to have
made it full-circle back to Bearden.

Ginger Duncan-Hynds
Graduation Year: 1979
Subjects Taught: Business
BHS Position: Teacher
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: TOEC
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: FBLA, Bowling
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Rudie Mears: She is the reason I went into the business field. Everything she taught us was practical and hands-on and made so much sense.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 21
Total number of years teaching: 25

Eric Schwartz
Graduation Year: 1979
Subjects Taught: Special Education
BHS Position: Teaching Assistant
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student:Football, Track, Wrestling, Key Club, Chorus, Drama
Best memory from BHS: All the friendships, Wining City Football Championship my Junior year, Graduation.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 2
Total number of years teaching: 8

Amy Shipley
Graduation Year: 1979
Subjects Taught: Computer Science Foundation, Web Design, Computer Applications, Intro to Business & Marketing, Work
Based Learning Coordinator
BHS Position: Teacher
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: President of Y-Teens, Teen Board of Knoxville, ICC, Keyette, TOEC
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: Board of Directors BHS Foundation, Sponsor FBLA
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Mrs. Rudie Mears, Business teacher. She was poised, graceful, caring, but above all knowledgeable in her field. When you walked into her room, you were always greeted with a smile!
Best memory from BHS: School spirit, many activities such as dances with real live bands! Sporting events and great friends!
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 16
Total number of years teaching: 32
Extra Info: I know that I am teaching at the best school in Knoxville! I feel very fortunate to teach in the high school that made such an impact in my life!

Beverly Dickerson-Anderson
Graduation Year: 1980
Subjects Taught: School Counseling
BHS Position: School Counselor
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: SGA, Keyettes, cheerleading, theatre, spirit club, track, senior committee
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Rusha Sams.
She taught me to believe in myself and in my ability to write.
Best memory from BHS: Landing mid field in a helicopter at homecoming
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 11
Total number of years teaching: 15
Extra info: I worked 13 years at UTK prior to entering Knox County Schools.

Dedie Hopson Oake
Graduation Year: 1982
Subjects Taught: Special Education
BHS Position: Special Education, Teaching Assistant
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Coach Thomas was so helpful and nice. I loved Business Math even though I was not great at Math.
Best memory from BHS:
I loved working in the office helping to check students in and out etc. Loved going to the Football, Baseball and Basketball games.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 4
Total number of years teaching: 22

Glenda Rabensteine Inman
Graduation Year: 1983
Subjects Taught: Health Science, Diagnostic medicine, Pharmacy Tech, Cardiovascular Services, Yoga
BHS Position: Health Science Teacher
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: HOSA
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: June Maxwell - Helped me refine my writing
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 20
Total number of years teaching: 20

Lisa Hudgens
Graduation Year: 1987
Subjects Taught: Special Education
BHS Position: Special Education Facilitator
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: Band-flag
Best memory from BHS: Football games on Friday nights and the time spent with friends after the game was over
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 6
Total number of years teaching: 26

Amber Smith Henry
Graduation Year: 1993
Subjects Taught: How to arrive on-time to 1st block :-)
BHS Position: East Mall Secretary
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: SGA, Drama Club, Dance Team, Y-Teens
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?:
Ms. Radcliffe-She taught me to respect my planet and environment.
I have tried to pass that on to my two kids. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Best memory from BHS: I have numerous life-long friends from BHS, we made many priceless memories at games, dances, proms
and practices.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 2
Total number of years teaching: 5
Extra info: I graduated from UT in 1997 and moved back to Knoxville in 2016. I'm loving being back, and I'm excited thatmy two kids will also attend BHS starting next year!

Brian Tanner
Graduation Year: 1993
Subjects Taught: School Counselor
BHS Position: School Counselor
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: Football and FCA
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: Assistant Baseball Coach and a current member of the BHS Foundation
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?:
Bill Young because he was a father figure on the football field and in the classroom. He deeply cared for students and was invested in students and their performance and growth.
Best memory from BHS: Too many to list. It was an excellent experience.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 13
Total number of years teaching: 13

Lauren Houston Andrejko
Graduation Year: 2002
Subjects Taught: Theatre I & II, Stage Tech, Musical Theatre
BHS Position: Teacher
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: Forensics, Theatre, Key Club, SGA, Yearbook, and more.
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Kathy Coley because she challenged us to think outside of the box, question, and back up our opinions. She didn't take work that was half done - you had to be 130% committed in her class at all times.
Best memory from BHS: Too many really. All the Forensic competitions traveling with my friends to meet other amazing theatre people.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 1.5
Total number of years teaching: 1.5

Cody Martin
Graduation Year: 2004
Subjects Taught: Social Studies (AP Human Geography, Contemporary Issues, and Leadership)
BHS Position: Teacher
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: Student Government Association
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Ms. Hnilica, she taught me for three years and helped me fit into high school and prepare me for college.
Best memory from BHS: Meeting my wife.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 8
Total number of years teaching: 8

Ryan Radcliff
Graduation Year: 2007
Subjects Taught: PE, Health and Wellness
BHS Position: PE, Health and Wellness, Boys and Girls Soccer Head Coach
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: Soccer
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: Boys and Girls Soccer
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?: Bob Savery. The life lessons he taught and they way he treated his students still has a lasting impact on me today.
Best memory from BHS: Winning state championships.
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 6
Total number of years teaching: 6
Extra Info: My wife, Katlyn, and I just welcomed our daughter, Aubree, on November 9 of this year.

Cari McInturff Williamson
Graduation Year: 2010
Subjects Taught: English
BHS Position: English Teacher
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: BBN/The Bark, Student Government Association, Key Club, Senior Committee, Track Team
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?:
Tim Vacek taught me the importance of critical thinking and showed me the impact a teacher can have in student lives.
Best memory from BHS: Beating Farragut in the Second Harvest Food Drive
(or anything, really).
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 2
Total number of years teaching: 3

Jessica Logan
Graduation Year: 2012
Subjects Taught: Chemistry
BHS Position: Teacher
Extra Curricular Activities when you were a student: FC Alliance club soccer, CSUMC youth group
Clubs/Sports/Activities Sponsored at BHS: Varsity Soccer Team '08, '09, '11
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?:
Mrs. Francis. I didn't enjoy reading assignments until I had Mrs. Francis for AP Lit and Shakespeare and she helped me and my love for reading (and theatrics..?).
Best memory from BHS: Graduating :)
Total number of years teaching at BHS:
0.5? It's my first year here
Total number of years teaching: 4
Extra Info: I was one of three Division I-recruited student-athletes and was top 5% in academics for my class. My chemistry teacher when I was here is also my aunt
(Mrs. Heflin).

Rain Binger
Graduation Year: 2015
Subjects Taught: Orchestra
BHS Position: Orchestra Teacher
Which teacher had the greatest influence on you and why?:
Sandy Hughes. Mr. Hughes is an all-around amazing teacher who always checked on me while I was going through a lot at home. His classroom always felt like a safe space for me and a lot of other students and I loved the small community he built. In addition to this, his excitement for Latin made ME excited for Latin and I still use my knowledge every day to figure out what new words mean.
Best memory from BHS: My favorite memory at BHS was probably the CSI class in its entirety. We got to ID bones, read great forensic books, perform blood splatter tests, and go on observation walks! It was one of my favorite classes I have ever taken and I almost studied forensic science in college because of it!
Total number of years teaching at BHS: 1.5
Total number of years teaching: 1.5